About Me

Hello there, people of the world!

 My name is Anya and I am a sixth grader at Durham Academy. My teacher told me to write about myself and things I like to do. This is my best attempt. I love to read and write. I write poetry but other things too. I also play piano. I like to play the song Für Elise  on the piano because it sounds nice and I am good at it and everyone likes doing things they’re good at. I play field hockey and am on the robotics team at school. We are the first all girls team at Durham Academy. I have two younger brothers. I have hazel eyes and I really like that. My bedspread has flowers on it and it makes my room feel very vibrant. My favorite font is EB Garamond and my least favorite is Caveat. I live in North Carolina. North Carolina is a pretty big state so the chances that someone will read this and be able to hunt me down are low.  I have two younger brothers. I wish I had a dog but I don’t. I have a fish tank but no fish because the water doesn’t have good levels yet. I like to write in lots of different styles. I like the way long sentences sound and short ones sound. Sometimes I write like a little kid (that which I am)  and sometimes I write very formally. Well, I hope you found this little paragraph interesting and amusing. This is the end, then. Goodbye.